July 2024

Lessons for HR from PwC's "silent layoffs"

Louise Taft Consultant Solicitor - Employment

Staff were notified individually to be offered a package to leave and were told not to inform colleagues if they accepted, as well as being given a script to follow by HR on the matter.

This inevitably leaked to the press, but as employment law expert Louise Taft explains in this article for Compliance Week, it’s not unusual for voluntary redundancy agreements to include non-disclosure agreements (NDAs).

In fact, NDAs can protect both employers and employees, as Louise explains.

If you would like advice on the voluntary redundancy process – whether you are an employer seeking to implement one, or an employee affected by it, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Read the full article here. 

For more information or help and advice, get in touch.

Louise Taft Consultant Solicitor - Employment +44 (0) 20 7846 2370 louise.taft@jurit.com
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