July 2019

SME Legal Awards - "Best Business Law Advisory Firm 2019" and "Most Trusted Law Consultant"

Robert Marcus Partner - Commercial

Jurit has been awarded ‘Best Business Law Advisory Firm 2019, London’ in the SME Legal Awards and one of its consultants, Julie Bann, has been awarded ‘Most Trusted Employment Law Consultant’ for South East England.

Formed in 2013, Jurit is a flourishing firm of senior lawyers offering pragmatic legal solutions, across all corporate and commercial disciplines.

Robert Marcus, senior partner at Jurit, said; “These awards reflect the quality of the work our team consistently delivers for clients.  It’s a great accolade for the whole firm.  Julie’s award is thoroughly deserved and reinforces the great client feedback we receive for all our teams.”.

If you have any questions, please contact

Robert Marcus Partner - Commercial +44 (0) 20 7060 5861 robert.marcus@jurit.com
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